Psychological Test Psychological test "Trader's vein". As a result of passing this test, you will find out how good a trader you can become. Should you try your hand at the field of stock trading? This test is a synthesis of three psychological tests. The results are given both in a classical form and in an interpretation applied to the psychology of a trader. Remember that the results of any test depend on the psychological state of the test taker at the time of passing the test. Therefore, before you start testing, calm down, relax, put out of your head the problems and tasks that concern you. Answer the questions sincerely, without thinking for a long time about the answer. The first thought is usually the most correct. Take your time, but do not hesitate, only in this case you will get the most accurate result from passing this test. Any test, including this one, is not the ultimate truth. It only shows who the person is at the moment. So, as an option, where to grow and what to strive for. The test contains 94 questions. Therefore, choose a time and place when no one will bother you. If you liked the test, share it with your friends: